H.E. Jamgoen Truelku Rinpoche is one of the four highest reincarnated Rinpoches in the Kingdom of Bhutan. In 2008, he is 24 years old and has lived and studied in the monastery since he was five years old. Rinpoche was one of the youngest monks to ever accomplish many scriptural memorization exercises and was observed as exceptionally gifted and talented from an infant.
Rinpoche studied and practiced under many high Buddhist Lamas in Bhutan. After completing his study of the Buddhist philosophy, Rinpoche started his first three years retreat at the age of 20 and then went for his further practice at the high mountains for more than a year. Rinpoche is being groomed to be the spiritual leader of Bhutan's monastic order and general population. His vision is to do good activities in the world and fulfill his lifework for all sentient beings.
●蔣袞仁波切是瑟瓦拉佛學院的上師,同時也是不丹最重要四位轉世祖古之一,現年24歲,接受過不丹數位尊勝上師的教導;仁波切5歲即被不丹政府認證為祖古轉世;20歲即進行傳統3年閉關,後又獨自前往山林獨自閉關一年。仁波切此次受美國非營利事業組織(NGO)Kahuna Valley之邀前往該總部訪問。若因緣具足,蔣袞仁波切預計於今年3月底返回不丹時可望過境拜訪台灣並短暫居留,屆時大眾將有殊勝機緣親近這位在不丹被視為彌勒菩薩化身的年輕上師。
(Karma Tashi 摘譯)
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